Ab Workouts
605, 2018
Zuzka Lights Six Pack Ab Routines
Zuzka Lights Six Pack Ab Routines Zuzka Light has some of the best abs on the internet. Build your own killer six with these 3 intense, fat-burning workouts and I know you will [...]
912, 2015
On-the-Go Abdominal Challenge
Duration: 18 minutes Exercise Rounds Repetitions Crunches 3 30 Bicycle Kicks 3 30 Double Crunches 3 30 Plank 3 3 minutes (20 sec/10 sec rest) Notes*for more of a challenge [...]
1609, 2015
ABS Exercise List
There are a large number of ways to perform these movements. You can use low weight lots of repetitions, high weight with low repetitions, super set, or perform circuit type training. Not only [...]