Lower Body
401, 2019
Leg and Glute Pump
Duration: 45 minutes Exercise Rounds Repetitions Circuit 1 Any kind of squat 5 8-15 *Superset* Stationary Lunges 5 12 each leg Rest 45 Seconds [...]
2802, 2018
Lower Body Exercise List
There are a large number of ways to perform these movements. You can use low weight lots of repetitions, high weight with low repetitions, super [...]
302, 2017
Leg Day & Other Things: Fast, Fun & Unique
Duration: 30 minutes You'll Need: A bosu-ball, weighted bar and a weight plate. Circuit 1 Grab a bar and a bosu ball or you can [...]
3009, 2015
Quick, Simple & Effective – Leg Day
Duration: 30 minutes Exercise Rounds Repetitions Single Leg Extension 4 12 each leg DB Step Ups 4 12 each leg Leg Press 4 [...]